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Niko creating

Artist Statement:

Captivating the intensity of raw pigments and sculpting the secrets of our natural surroundings on canvas.

Trusting the paints to guide your brush or pallet knife as they mold the esoteric images that are evoked from our deepest memories or visions.  Emanating the harsh realities of being, while transcending into a profound adoration of nature’s splendour.  Presenting in an abstract form permitting the spectator to encounter their very own intimate passage.  Filling in the blanks and fulfilling the entirety of the storey with their own idealisms, illusions, mirages and recollections.  The art only whispers the secrets intertwined in its labyrinth of colour, texture and vivacity.  It is the viewer that will take the voyage and encounter their very own actualities.  A compelling passage awaits.    

Born in Canada to Greek immigrants, Niko Papadatos
has lived a life full of passion and dreams. One of his many loves is the ocean and all her hidden beauty. Alive with poetic mystery, the ocean beckons Niko's to gently capture those special moments that are revealed to us for a brief moment. His desire to live by the ocean has moved him to his Panamanian beach front studio where his inspiration gently calls him daily as the waves remind him that every dream in life is attainable.
A successful entrepreneur, Niko Papadatos has always had the desire to capture life on canvas. After running a thriving cosmetic empire for several years, and maintaining a successful boutique salon for his exclusive clientele, Niko decided to slow down his fast pace life and share the special moments with his family.
Niko's mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s several years ago. It was a difficult time learning and dealing with the challenges that are accompanied with this terrible illness. At 50 years of age Niko packed up his mother, his life long partner Mario and his (hairless dog) Calvo and headed to Panama to live and celebrate life. Be it the warm ocean breezes or the sound of the waves, Niko's life has changed dramatically. His mother, rather than struggling daily with simple tasks, showed signs of recovery while his artistic desires exploded on canvas.
For several years now Niko Papadatos has been sharing with the world the beauty of life captured on his canvas. With every heart felt stroke of his brush or pallet knife you can feel the intensity of colour exploding on the canvas. At times you feel like you could simply walk right into his art. Listen closely and you too may hear the sound of his waves.
Niko's self taught technique and unique approach to painting has brought him international recognition.

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